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Trans Day of Visibility Vengeance


March 31st

Place Vauquelin
(site of the last counter-protest)
275 Notre Dame Est
(Champ-de-Mars metro)

Call to Action

The past couple of years have been devastating for trans communities in Tiohtià:ke/Mooniyang (“montreal”), across Turtle Island, and around the world. The rise of fascism, multiple genocides, housing crises, moral panic, scapegoating, and the normalization of anti-trans hate have all affected us severely.

Nearly two years of anti-trans mobilizations and anti-fascist counter-protests here in Tiohtià:ke have left many of us scarred, traumatized, and above all angry.

The most recent of these counter-protests on September 20th, 2024 was met with severe police brutality. With their tear gas, pepper spray and nightsticks, the pigs demonstrated once more whose side they are on, as they did at RadPride and the F.A.G.S. disruption of corporate pride in August. This comes as part of a larger rise in state violence and repression of leftist movements in Tiohtià:ke, in which queers play an integral role.

Riot cops pepper spray counter-protestors
Photo credit: William Wilson

Meanwhile, the CAQ government continues to push its Comité de “sages” (Committee of “wisemen”) which is set to release its recommendations for handling the “trans issue” by the end of March. Legault would rather listen to “parents rights” organizers and TERFs than the actual trans people affected by his decisions, subscribing to the moral panic. The state is scapegoating trans folks while ignoring the rising instability and cost of living brought on by capitalist oligarchies. The current housing crisis in particular has put countless queer and trans people in the street, and the CAQ government of landlords is putting fuel on the fire.

Trans people have also been murdered at alarming rates, especially when they are Black and racialized, while authorities systemically refuse to recognize hateful motives. As the right becomes emboldened, these numbers will continue to rise. We remember Nex Benedict. We remember Sam Nordquist. We remember all of those whose names are lost in the constant churn of mass media, murdered and then forgotten by society. We won’t forget you. We will avenge you.

We don’t want visibility, because we’ve learned that our trans siblings and us only get it when we’re six feet under. Trans Day of Vengeance means fighting back, and taking what they won’t give us. Trans Liberation and Trans Revolution are one and the same. Silence equals death.

Across Turtle Island, Indigenous women, girls, and two-spirit people continue to be murdered and go missing at astronomical rates, while the colonial states and police forces of so-called the so-called “united states” and “canada” ignore them and build pipelines across their land and through their rivers. In reality, we are all on stolen land. We honour all of our stolen sisters and two-spirit siblings.

All the while, genocides and atrocities serving the Western imperialist project continue to rage around the world, killing our siblings indiscriminately, queer and straight, trans and cis alike. All too often, Western colonial outposts including the Zionist entity instrumentalize queer identities to pinkwash their atrocities. Corporate and neoliberal pride orgs in the West (including Fierté Montréal) allow and encourage this. We stand with Palestine, with the Rohingya, with Rojava, with Sudan, with Congo and with all oppressed people.

The provincial, state, and federal governments of the so-called “united states” and “canada” continue to drift further and further rightward, as the Overton window (the window of ideas considered socially acceptable, which can be pushed rightward or leftward) shifts with them.

Alberta and Saskatchewan continue to enact draconian laws against the existence of trans people in society, while other conservative provincial governments scramble to catch up. Elon Musk and his puppet Donald Trump have signed sweeping executive orders against all the most vulnerable sections of the american population under the guise of “government efficiency.” When Pierre Poilievre assumes power in so-called “canada,” he is sure to follow suit.

The mainstream media is complicit in these attacks on marginalized communities and liberation struggles. While the usual suspects of right wing media continue to spew their bullshit, ostensibly “center-left” outlets like Radio-Canada are joining the choir of hate. Liberal media and politicians always have and always will enable fascism through silence and “both sides” rhetoric. The famous “tipping point” in the early 2010s, when trans representation in mainstream media suddenly exploded, has provided reactionaries with the perfect scapegoat.

Radio-Canada’s TransExpress

Fuck visibility,
we want revenge.

Trans rights are non-negotiable,
let us take what is ours!

Join us at Place Vauquelin,
site of the last counter-protest

March 31st, 7:30pm

Dress gay, protect your identity, wear your goggles, n95 masks,
keffiyehs, and pink RadPride balaclavas.

We keep us safe.

RadPride 2024 | Photo credit: @the_purple_line