Place Vauquelin
275 Notre-Dame East (Champ-de-Mars metro station)
Friday, September 20th, 8AM until late afternoon
Printable poster (11×17 tabloid)
Instagram format signal-boosting image to share
Printable booklet-style flyer (8.5×11 letter)
Recently, the right-wing organisation Hands Off Our Kids (HOOK) called for the organization of protests nation-wide for the 20th of September, advocating for the regression of civil education and free expression in the name of “protecting our kids”. Ensemble Pour Protéger Nos Enfants (EPPNE), a Québec-based group who champions similar conservative ideas, has called for their members to gather in Montreal to spread their hateful rhetoric.
We – Queer activists, anti-fascists, and trans people of many different walks of life – have come together to counter the hate of HOOK and EPPNE. We will stay as long as is necessary. With fun, love, and joy we will resist attempts to silence us and demonize us. Come join us!
We are all trying to protect children. We champion and encourage a child’s right to freedom of expression and exploration of their identity. Our goal is no different than HOOK and EPPNE’s, it simply includes the protection and inclusion of trans youth. We are on the side of liberation of all oppressed peoples.
HOOK and EPPNE’s main stated concern is “Protecting kids from sexually explicit content and gender ideology” and the “erosion of parental rights”, as well as false claims that schools are indoctrinating children. They protest courses that are based in science and oppose the simple mention of the existence of trans people and same-sex couples. More frightening is the framing of children’s bodily autonomy as an erosion of parents’ rights. The conservative inclination to treat their children as property is plainly demonstrated by the HOOK-approved slogan: “I belong to my parents”.
These groups offer support to government attempts at restricting and erasing trans existence. The mobilization of anti-trans and anti-drag protestors last year gave rise to the Comité des Sages, who has worked hand in hand with EPPNE to slow pro-trans reforms throughout the provincial government. Their presence has emboldened anti-feminist movements who attempt to repeal abortion access throughout the country. Their goal is the erasure of trans people within the public eye, aiming to cloister children and to eliminate public teaching about non-cishet existence.
To our cis and straight allies: this fight involves you too! Beyond defending ourselves from attacks against our existence, we are fighting against all repression. It is no coincidence that the entire spectrum of conservative and fascist ideologies have rallied together in a united front against a public trans existence. Whilst gathering support for the “protection of their kids”, this movement uses their momentum to attack access to abortion, birth control, and scientific education. We must fight to stop the advance of conservatism and protect all of our freedoms.
Collective political self-defense is the only solution to the spread of hate. Again and again, it has been proven that the police will coddle and protect hateful speech, whilst brutally cracking down on appeals for peace. The recent months of violent escalation by the police on protests of Queer solidarity with Palestine proves without a doubt that the police are not a force to protect us. To this end, we want to make abundantly clear that we stand unequivocally in solidarity with Palestine, Sudan, Congo, Indigenous peoples across Turtle Island and the struggles of all oppressed peoples.
So, come on September 20th to collectively fight transphobia and advocate for trans liberation!
A call to action from
The Faction Against Genocide, in Solidarity (F.A.G.S.)
Montréal Antifasciste
The P!nk Bloc
Signed by
To sign this call, send an e-mail to
Center for Gender Advocacy
Coalition des Luttes Anticapitalistes (CLAC)
Women’s and Sexuality Studies Student Association at Concordia (WSSSA)
Nous ne Serons Pas Sages
Resistance Montréal
Association of Graduate Students Employed at McGill (AGSEM-AÉÉDES)
Collectif 15 mars
Divest 4 Palestine Collective
Front de Lutte pour un Immobilier Populaire (FLIP)
Queer UQAM
Bibliothèque DIRA
Union for Gender Empowerment (UGE)
Collectif Opposé à la Brutalité Policière (COBP)
Montreal IWA friendship circle
Concordia Film Festival (CFF)
Formations DSG
Regroupement des groupes de femmes de la région de la Capitale Nationale (RGF-CN)
Association générale étudiante du Cégep du Vieux Montréal (AGECVM)
Association facultaire étudiante de science politique et droit UQAM (AFESPED)
Association étudiante de sociologie, anthropologie et certificat en immigration et relations interethniques à l’UQÀM (AESA-CIRI)
Action LGBTQIA+ avec les ImmigrantEs et Réfugiés (AGIR)
Association étudiante en travail social à l’UQÀM
Espace LGBTQ+
Centre de Solidarité Lesbienne (CSL)
132 Crew
Balle Molle Queer Softball (BMQS)
Euphorie dans le genre
RadLaw McGill
McGill OutLaw
Centre d’éducation et d’action des femmes de Montréal
Concordia Student Union (CSU)
Defund la Police Coalition
Independent Jewish Voices Montreal (IJV-VJI)
Project 10